Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sketch 1

I can't remember much about the first thing on TV that scared me, but I definitely know that it was about vampires, which is why I didn't like them for several years of my life. Now I'm friends with and attracted to one...Go figure. Anyway, it was a short scene from Interview with the Vampire, a movie based on the literary work by Anne Rice. It was the scene where Lestat (I presume; it's been years) throws a young woman onto a bed and sinks his fangs into her neck, letting a small trickle of blood flow from his mouth.

This scene was horrifying, but I was about four or five years old, so I wasn't exactly familiar with vampires anyway. It wasn't intended that I actually watch it; it was one of those things you walk in on that you really weren't meant to see, something like when you walk in on a relative banging their spouse/significant other. Going back to my own significantly less traumatic trauma, my mom immediately pulled me out of the room before I even saw what happened next. This act, in hindsight, somewhat disappoints me. Had I watched the rest of it and seen the movie from beginning to end, I may have seen it in a less negative light, provided I had been a bit older.

A lot of things out there scare us: falling down stairs, being turned down for a date, rape, suicide bombers, death, and most importantly, public speaking. However, when it comes to things as small as what you see in the movies, I've found that some of it really isn't as scary as I once thought. Additionally, the full movie 30 Days of Night is ten times scarier than those 30 seconds of Interview with the Vampire, in my opinion. So, it may be that you find something less scary over time, or it may be that you just find something scarier to be afraid of.

Be very afraid. But in all seriousness, don't be afraid.


  1. Honestly this one did not grab my attention. You are an awesome writer so nothing against you. It just takes a lot to capture my attention and this one just didn't capture mine. But your an awesome writer!

  2. I loved that movie, the first scene I saw was the ending when he gets stuck in the car with Tom Cruise. I had a bad movie experience too. I saw the predator when I was really young.

    This would be a good topic!
